Support natural Body Defences, via Immune System functioning and suppress Inflammatory Response overreactions.
Boost Immunity & Manage Inflammation
Body defence systems are crucial for animal health and performance. A properly functioning immune system responds adequately to diseases and does not overreact when small challenges occur. Such overreactions can even restrict performance. Therefore, it is valuable to understand that certain glycerides have shown to support the animal’s immune system. Above that, reducing the negative impact of pro-inflammatory processes via anti-inflammatory compounds brings the livestock industry one step closer to achieve 100% genetic growth potential. As research has shown outstanding inflammation inhibiting properties of lauric acid glycerides, Bextral offers Bex Monolaurin. This feed additive reduces inflammation and improves immune system functioning.
Main benefits
Immune system
Improve inflammatory response
Control Gram+ bacteria
Control fat-enveloped viruses
Available in Dry & Liquid
Heat-stable & non-corrosive
Neutral taste and odour
Available in 20 kg bag, 1000 kg big bag and bulk
Produced in GMP+ certified facilities
1-3 kg per ton of feed (poultry)
2-4 kg per ton of feed (swine)
It is recommended to contact your local Bextral technical sales manager to determine a farm-specific dose level.
Lauric acid glycerides
Glycerides are highly effective against pathogens and support body defense mechanisms. Specifically, glycerides of lauric acid possess unique properties. Enabling it to stimulate animal health via multiple modes of actions.
Synergetic with vaccines
Support vaccination effects
Research has shown favorable synergy when a running vaccine program is combined with Bex Monolaurin. Interestingly, a combination of Vaccine + Bex Monolaurin showed much higher antibody titer values and higher values for Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), correlating with improved immune system functioning. Demonstrating no contra-indications of Bex Monolaurin in combination with a vaccine program.